Automated Network Testing with CAIT
The Cisco Continuous Automation and Integration Testing (CAIT) service utilizes CX Test Automation Manager (CXTM) as a test automation solution to accelerate customer adoption of new technologies and IT services in their own networks. A key benefit of CXTM lies in the easy-to-use automation with open-source Robot Framework and the thousands of Robot keywords offered as part of the reusable test libraries for interacting with both Cisco and third-party devices alike. In this session, participants will work hands-on with CXTM to create test automation to validate a network environment containing IOS-XE, IOS-XR, and NX-OS devices over CLI, REST API, and NETCONF. Participants will further make use of curated test automation from CXTM accelerator package libraries of pre-built automation to provide test automation off the shelf.

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